
AlphaGo Upgraded Again, Artificial Intelligence Will Be the Trend of Future

I knew robots when I watched movies and magazines years ago. Robots are very powerful in movies and threat human being. Years passed and now artificial intelligence is stepping into new century and more and more companies and studios are researching and developing artificial intelligence.

This year, a go contest between AlphaGo and Ke Jie was held and AlphaGo win the competition. What is AlphaGo and why is so smart to beat the champion of go? Actually AlphaGo is a AI program, developed by Demis Hassabis, leader of DeepMind, subsidiary company of Google. The main working principle is "deep learning."

In March 2016, AlphaGo and Go champion, professional nine-player Li Shishi conducted a go man-machine war and won a total score of 4 to 1. In May 2017, at the Go Summit in Wuzhen, China, it competed against Ke Jie, the world's No. 1 Go champion, to a 3-0 overall victory. The go community acknowledged that AlphaGo's chess capability has surpassed the level of top-notch go players in the world. In GoRatings's ranking of world professional go rankers, its rank has surpassed No.1 human player Ke Jie. On October 18th, 2017, DeepMind announced the most powerful version of AlphaGo, code-named AlphaGo Zero.
Go Competition between Ke Jie and AlphaGo 
Artificial intelligence is so powerful and the hot topic occurred all the time: will AI takes human jobs in the future?

AI robots are working in the dumpling factory in Qinhuangdao, China. In the workshop, no workers. From mix the wheat flour, put the stuffing, pinch dumplings, frozen to minus 50 degrees conditions, the robots on the assembly line are perfectly handled.

Self-service supermarket, driverless cars, self-service hotels, self-service canteens...are blooming. AI is not only into these industries, they go into news edition, go, financial industry. Dr. Lee Kaifu predicted that 50% of jobs will be partly taken or fully taken by robots after 10-15 years.

In the past 200 years, it is the time of knowledge and technology. The coming 100 years are the time of intelligence, experience and service. At present, AI is being researched and developed as the core technology in the many countries, China, America, Japan, Singapore begin to speed up the research and development of AI. What do we do in this situation? Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on the present moment.

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