
Microsoft AI Executives: AI Revolution Is Entering People's Lives

Artificial intelligence probably change people's life. Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest technologies today, and many believe that artificial intelligence will affect human lives in the future. There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is indeed likely to make life better for humanity, but at the same time, it also brings some concerns, many people are afraid that artificial intelligence can lead to large-scale unemployment, what is more, some believe that its intelligence may even surpass humankind, leading to the human become artificial intelligence's slaves. Foreign media The India Express recently interviewed Sundar Srinivasan, general manager of the artificial intelligence division of Microsoft India Company, he said that "the artificial intelligence revolution is gradually entering into people's lives."

Early computing technology, the core is to get people started using the computer to work. And now we are entering a whole new era in which computers have a whole new capability that computers need to better understand the needs of humankind and that humans have to be able to make better use of their computer capabilities, carry out the full power of your devices without sacrificing your core competencies. This means that computers are not only able to understand the sensory input from human users but also to understand human thoughts and human emotions. When AI technology has this capability, it can better serve humanity.
At Microsoft, we believe that in this new era we want computers to better understand humans, let computers to understand human emotions, and then have computers help people do all types of work. We believe we can create a platform that can help everyone.

One of the marks for the human plan is that we constantly learn to use more tools to make our productivity higher and higher. At every stage of our evolution, accompanied by changes in the productive forces. We do not think humans will be replaced by artificial intelligence. The mission of AI is to maximize the effectiveness of human work and to maximize human capabilities. Artificial intelligence and human employees are not a one-on-one relationship, but a collaborative one. The combination of the two makes work better and more efficient.

I do not think artificial intelligence can deprive people of their own ability. Its purpose is to help people to streamline their work, save time for mankind, and enable mankind to accomplish more important and more majestic goals. Artificial intelligence should be a human tool to help us do more.

Our ultimate goal is to make artificial intelligence available to all individuals and organizations. We want to integrate AI into a lot of places, but in general we're going to integrate AI in four areas: apps, services (such as cognitive services in Azure), conversations that can be used on any device computing technologies such as Cortana voice assistants and GPUs running in the cloud.

Artificial intelligence technology will be the basis of future technological development. I think AI is going through a huge revolution right now. It will have a major impact on people and the economy. But we are still in its infancy. Artificial intelligence technology in the next few years is still very difficult to bring about earth-shaking changes in our lives, it will go through decades of development, in the process, AI will give us a lasting change. We've spent the imagination phase of artificial intelligence, and we're gradually making it happen, making it more productive.

Resource: Sina Tech.

